

As an aspiring writer, I've had a dismal run of creations as of late. This morning it seemed like a lack of inspiration. Then, I thought to myself, perhaps inspiration, like happiness or being pissed at the world, is largely a choice. There are obviously outside factors that contribute to any state of mind, but for most people it is a conscious decision to be or not to be one way or another.

Today, I am inspired. I will start a new blog that does not have Korea or Korean dishes in the title. It will be like Rand of Kimchi, in that I will generally write short casual journalistic pieces. Every once in a while, I will say what I or my loved ones are doing in life. I will also try to make this new blog more well known (as I've been encouraged to do). So, please, check out my new online place for musings and writings, and let me know what you think.

One last thing, I finally got to see Joe Pug, with Evan on Monday. I wrote about him more than a year ago, thinking I had found the new love of my life. I was wrong, I met him a few weeks later. Now, we can watch his music together. The concert was great, you should definitely see him if he's in your area!

----30 Minutes Later----

Does anyone have any idea how hard it is to create a title for a blog?

----Another 30 Minutes Later----

The new blog has been created! The Written, Simply is now under way, and I will try (key word) to write more frequently.

Thanks to all who have read Riving in the Rand of Kimchi! You are great!
Sending you Peace and Love,